JO ANN Schneider Farris

Jo Ann Schneider Farris began ice skating in 1964. In 1975, she won a silver medal in the United States National Figure Skating Championships and became a United States
Figure Skating Association Gold Medalist in 1976. In 1983, she began her career as an ice skating coach, and has trained skaters
of all ages and levels. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with her husband, Dan, and three children, Joel, Rebekah,
and Annabelle. She teaches both ice and in-line skating. Jo Ann is a graduate of Colorado College, and holds a California
Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential from California State University at Long Beach. Jo Ann is the author of How To Jump And Spin On In-Line Skates, the only book of its kind on in-line figure skating. She is also the Figure Skating
Guide for Figure Skating at She home schools her own three children. When Jo Ann is not coaching skating or jumping and spinning on skates, she
enjoys skiing, swimming, tennis, piano, music of all kinds, creating web sites, playing hockey, in-line skating outdoors with
her family, bike riding, skate-skiing, reading, and playing and singing with her husband and children.

Jo Ann is the owner of the JUMP-SPIN SKATE Company.
Click here for more info on THE JUMP-SPIN SKATE!
PAUL Steiner

Paul Steiner is a Professional Coach. He has been involved in skating for 40 years.
He is a 27 year member of the Professional Skaters Association Paul is married to Judy who is a Curator for the Colordo Historial
Society and also is a figure skating coach. He is a double gold medalist in figure skating and a 3 time National Senior competitor
and top 10 finisher. Paul has also taught power hockey clinics for ice hockey around the state since 1985, and holds
a Hockey level 1 and 2 certification from the PSA. He has also been involved in roller skating and in-line hockey and still
coaches tennis and plays regularly. Paul is available to teach basic skills, dance, moves in the field, free style,
pairs, power hockey, and in-line skating.
Or you can reach him at: 303-791-0965